Some members have requested high-quality logos that can be used on personalized judge materials. We've included the new-style photo-realistic logos as well as the older logos. Also included are rank-specific logos that may be appropriate for judge labels or other identifying information. All logos on this page are 480x480 pixels with transparent backgrounds.
These logos are copyright by the BJCP, and may only be used for BJCP-approved purposes. BJCP judges may use the logos for their judging-related purposes. Judges may not misrepresent their rank by using another logo.
For other uses, contact the BJCP Communication Director. High-resolution EPS files are available.
Thanks to BJCP member Andy Melchers for creating the artwork, and thanks to Bruce Buerger for the original suggestion.
BJCP Organization Logos
Rank Logos (new style)
Rank Logos (old style)
Mead and Cider Logos
Pin Graphics