Candidate Interviews (MidWest): Steve Cook
Mr. Cook is running for the office of BJCP MidWest Representative from 2014 to 2017
Jeff Sanders, Assistant Communication Director
> The BJCP Bulletin interviewed candidates for Representative positions in 2014 on issues surrounding the BJCP and their positions

2014 is an election year for the BJCP. In order to provide BJCP members and voters a better understanding into the platforms and policies of representative candidates, The BJCP Bulletin recently conducted interviews with the candidates. Because BJCP Officers are elected from the BJCP Representatives, the platforms and policies of the candidates will likely impact all program members, not only those who reside in the candidate's geographic region.

The BJCP Bulletin adapted a set of questions from a similar certifying organization (KCBS) for the purposes of the interviews. Each candidate was provided the same standard set of questions and exactly two weeks to provide responses, via email, to the question set. Each candidate was instructed that there was no limitation to their response length, however, all responses had to be received at the end of the two week period. Each candidate was also asked for a picture to accompany their responses.

A response to the questions was not received by the two week deadline.



Mr. Cook's candidate statement may be found at /docs/2014steve.pdf


The BJCP Bulletin wishes all candidates the best of luck in the 2014 elections.


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